Readers’ Fan Club


As part of my Readers’ Fan Club, you will be the first to hear about upcoming book releases, receive Advanced Readers Copies (ARC), and get first dibs on new offers. For a limited time you’ll also receive The Turret and Tess’ Scribbler as a special gift when you join.


The Turret

Before Fiza appeared in Black Pansies, to practice English, she wrote, The Turretthe first place she called her own, after leaving South Sudan and coming to Sweden.

It’s a wonderful introduction to Fiza. A must read before you read Black Pansies. It isn’t for sale. It’s my gift to readers.

You can claim the GIFT when you join the Reader’s Fan Club.

Remember, it’s written by a young lady who had a horrendous childhood and is trying to adapt to a strange new country in an adopted family.

Tess’ Scribbler

This is Tess’ scribbler that she had in grade school, at the one-room schoolhouse, on the Canadian prairies, just post World War Two. She had it with her on the Alaskan cruise where she included her poems and comments from that time. It’s interesting to note that the female RCMP found an empty page and pasted in the last rose of summer.

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  • An Advanced Readers Copy (or ARC for short), is the pre-published, almost-complete version of a new book that is circulated to “advanced readers”. This copy of the book is unformatted and advanced readers will be asked to read the book before its publication date so their reviews can coincide with the book’s debut.

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